Lusíadas Saúde Porto Sailing 2024

Infante Regatta: a regatta ForALL

On September 14, the Douro River will host the 14th edition of the Infante Regatta, organized by BBDouro Nautical Experiences and promoted by Lusíadas Saúde. This event, which stands out as the biggest cruising regatta in the north of Portugal, is much more than just a nautical competition. Since 2021, the Infante Regatta has taken on a new dimension by becoming the only fully inclusive regatta in Portugal, allowing all types of boats to take part, including boats adapted for people with disabilities.

Lusíadas Saúde Porto Sailing 2024 - 14ª Regata do Infante

Inclusion in Sailing

Inclusion in sport is an increasingly relevant issue in modern society. Sport has the power to unite people from different backgrounds, promote equality and break down social barriers. In the case of sailing, a sport often seen as elitist and inaccessible, inclusion represents a significant step forward. The Infante Regatta has played a crucial role in this transformation by opening its waters to everyone, regardless of their physical limitations.

Since 2021, the Infante Regatta has stood out for being the first and only fully inclusive regatta in Portugal. This commitment to inclusion allows disabled sailors to compete alongside other sailors, using boats specially adapted to their needs. This initiative not only promotes equality in sport, but also challenges prejudices and encourages more people to take part in sailing.

The Lusíadas ForALL Inclusive Catamaran

One of the great innovations introduced at the Infante Regatta was the Lusíadas ForALL Inclusive Catamaran. This catamaran, developed in Portugal through a partnership between BBDouro and Inclusive Sailing, is the first in the world to be built in Portugal and fully adapted for disabled sailors. The boat has been designed to guarantee a safe and barrier-free experience, allowing anyone, regardless of their special needs, to experience sailing.

INCA Lusíadas ForALL is an example of how technology and design can be used to promote inclusion. The boat is equipped with systems that allow sailors to perform various tasks on board, with or without the help of an instructor. In addition, its central platform is capable of accommodating up to four conventional wheelchairs or one electric wheelchair, thus ensuring that all sailors have the opportunity to participate fully in all the boat’s maneuvers.

The Infante Regatta: An Event for Everyone

The Infante Regatta is a memorable event, marked by the diversity of the participants and the inclusive atmosphere on the Douro River. The event attracts a variety of sailors, from amateurs to professionals, all united by the love of sailing and the desire to compete in an atmosphere of equality and respect.

Inclusiveness is reflected in the variety of boats that took part, demonstrating that the regatta really is an event for everyone. Lusíadas ForALL’s victory in its category in the 2023 edition of the Infante Regatta was a historic milestone and recognition of the hard work of the sailors who were part of the team. This achievement reinforced the message that sailing is a sport for everyone.

With each edition, this event continues to challenge prejudices, break down barriers and open up new possibilities for all sailors. The aim for the next editions is to continue to grow (perhaps reaching 50 boats) and to strengthen its commitment to inclusion. As a ForALL regatta, it will continue to be a platform for equality in sport, proving that we are all equal at sea.


Sponsor: Goldenergy

Com as velas ao vento e a energia da Goldenergy a impulsionar-nos, navegamos rumo a um futuro mais verde. Saiba mais aqui.
Lusíadas Saúde Porto Sailing 2024

Infante Regatta: a regatta ForALL

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