BBDouro Nautical Experiences - Open Day Júnior 2024

Junior Open Day 2024

On June 1st, BBDouro Nautical Experiences celebrated Children’s Day with the participation of 37 children and their families in Open Day Junior, an event dedicated to the little ones where we shared our knowledge and passion for sailing.

“It was a very fun morning with very interesting, interactive and ecological activities. My little 5-year-old loved going on the boat with the other kids. It was a fantastic adventure with lots of fun and learning.”

– Inês Valente, mother of little sailors Sam and Tom

BBDouro Nautical Experiences - Open Day Júnior 2024

The children were excited to embark on new adventures with the interactive stations that taught the basics of sailing. From learning to adjust the sails to the wind to riding in a sailboat, each station was planned to ensure that the little sailors had a fun and educational introduction to the world of sailing, under the guidance of our junior academy students.

Simulator Challenge: The first station saw the young sailors gain confidence before venturing out onto the water and learning how to maneuver a boat… on land!

Wind Direction Challenge: Equipped with a flag, at this station the little ones observed where the wind comes from and how to read a compass.

Point of Sail Challenge: Here, they had the opportunity to learn how important the wind is for sailing and how to adjust the sails depending on its direction.

Knots Challenge: With small but determined hands, the children proved to be true aspiring sailors as they learned how to make knots that are essential for sailing.

Boat Parts Challenge: With curiosity and enthusiasm, they explored the anatomy of a sailing boat and discovered every detail and its functions.

Ecology Challenge: At this station, which highlighted the importance of sustainability, the little ones (with the help of the grown-ups) collected a total of 20kg of garbage on the beach adjacent to the Douro Marina, showing that taking care of our environment can be great fun.

Sailing Challenge: To end the learning day, this challenge offered the thrill of sailing a sailboat. Accompanied by our junior academy students, the children were able to experience the freedom and adventure of gliding across the water, applying the knowledge they had acquired throughout the day.

With smiles, learning and lots of sailing, the Junior Open Day was an unforgettable day. We look forward to future editions of this event and to continuing to encourage young sailors. We do sailing!

BBDouro Nautical Experiences - Open Day Júnior 2024


BBDouro Group - Aquisição FeelDouro

Acquisition of FeelDouro

At the end of June, we completed the acquisition of FeelDouro, a maritime tourism company. Learn more here.
BBDouro Nautical Experiences - Sponsor Natixis

Sponsor: Natixis

A parceria com a Natixis tem sido uma jornada emocionante. Navegamos juntos pelo rio Douro e rumo a um futuro mais inclusivo. Saiba mais aqui.
BBDouro Nautical Experiences - Open Day Júnior 2024

Junior Open Day 2024

BBDouro Nautical Experiences celebrated Children's Day with Open Day Junior. Learn more here.
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